Dining in the Dark

Dozens of attendees seated at tables for 8, wearing blindfolds while eating dinner.

Save the Date!

Dining in the Dark this year is moving to the second Thursday of November – November 14, 2024!

Don’t miss this meaningful, mission driven opportunity to support people living with vision loss in our community!

Dining in the Dark is Vision Forward’s signature event that gives guests a unique experience to dine under blindfold while creating awareness of just how much can be accomplished without vision.

Two clients’ stories were shared as part of last year’s event. Learn about Chris and Leyla’s journey of vision loss

We are tremendously grateful for our community’s generous support. YOU are making a difference for people in our community living with vision loss, and we thank you.

Invitations and details to come!

Interested in a Dining in the Dark Partnership?

Download our partnership form here.