Through the Lens of Vision Loss

Posted In Categories: Programs & Services
Vision loss in the United States continues to rise, affecting people regardless of age, race, gender, economic status and educational level. Have you ever imagined what life would be like if it happened to you?
When a visual impairment occurs that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or medical/surgical treatment, the resulting diagnosis is a condition called low vision. Low vision is very frustrating for people because it can make even the simplest daily tasks extremely challenging or even impossible. It can also impede on life’s simple pleasures, such as reading, recognizing people’s faces, taking a walk and engaging in social activities.
Unfortunately, when people find themselves unable to do the things they have always done and enjoyed, the outcome is often depression and social withdrawal. After being diagnosed with low vision, many people linger in a state of uncertainty for as long as one to two years before they build up the courage to seek help. And that’s a loss of precious time.
At Vision Forward we help people adapt to their changing vision and discover new ways of accomplishing their daily goals. We understand that people all experience vision loss differently and our services are individualized for each person’s unique needs.
Some of our services include helping people learn to: properly adjust lighting and contrast features so they can read; use assistive technology devices to operate their appliances, phone and electronic equipment; navigate safely through indoor and outdoor environments; and use communication tools such as a computer and handheld reader.
Vision Forward is also a place where people can come to be with others who are experiencing vision loss and freely talk about how it has affected their lives. We offer support and discussion sessions that help people understand that they are not alone in their struggles and that Vision Forward is here to assist them throughout every stage of vision loss.
“Losing my vision was very depressing to me,” says Rachel, a Vision Forward client. “There were several years that I stayed home and isolated myself. Coming to Vision Forward has brought hope to my life and an understanding that I’m not alone in this adventure I’ve been forced to live.”
At Vision Forward, our services empower people with vision loss, giving them the confidence to move forward and live life to the fullest.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with an eye disease or is experiencing changing vision, please contact us today at 414-615-0100 to learn about taking the next step in the process of regaining independence.