National segment highlights assistive technology that creates possibilities for people who are blind

Posted In Categories: In the News
Dena Fellows, Marketing Director
Vision Forward Association
414-615-0134 • cell 414-526-7998 •
February 26, 2018
For Immediate Release
National segment highlights assistive technology that creates possibilities for people who are blind
MILWAUKEE, WI – A recent CBS 60 Minutes segment featuring Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, highlighted a national technology trend and how this company is evolving to better see through the eyes of the diverse users of its technology. (
Nadella leads Microsoft with empathy for consumers who see things differently, namely people with disabilities. Having a son with Cerebral Palsy, Nadella is committed to assistive technology that is inclusive and available to all people with disabilities.
A new Microsoft App called Seeing AI app was featured in the segment. Seeing AI is a free app that narrates the world around you. Designed for people with vision loss, this ongoing research project harnesses the power of AI to open up the visual world and describe nearby people, text and objects. Available in the iOS App Store, the Seeing AI demonstrates how technology can make the world more inclusive.
Consumers in Southeastern Wisconsin can see this app demonstrated first-hand at Vision Forward’s Technology and Education Center (TEC). “Vision Forward is committed to showcasing the latest assistive technology to demonstrate the possibilities for adults and children who are visually impaired to access communication, computers, print information and so much more,” Cory Ballard, CATIS, Vision Forward Certified Assistive Technology Specialist.
Vision Forward’s TEC is also a resource for the community, family members, vision professionals, potential employers and other agencies wanting to learn about the latest technology and accommodations for people with vision loss.
You are invited to visit Vision Forward’s TEC to learn about and try new ground breaking technologies that are putting people with disabilities on an equal playing field at work, school, and in our community. Contact us to arrange a visit to explore technological devices such as wearable devices, Smart Boards with magnification features, and voice activated options; or 414-615-0127.
About Vision Forward Association
Vision Forward is the primary resource on where to turn when diagnosed with a vision impairment. Vision Forward is the only comprehensive vision resource agency in Southeastern Wisconsin serving people of all ages who are blind and visually impaired.