Noah’s Story

Posted In Categories: Living with Vision Loss
Vison Forward Client Success Story

When Noah was born, his parents did not expect him to have complex medical needs or face developmental challenges. Diagnosed with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), Noah’s brain struggled to interpret visual information. By the time he was nearly one year old, his parents were unsure if he had any vision and felt lost about how to help him.
Dana, Vision Forward’s Early Intervention Teacher of the Visually Impaired, began in-home services twice a month when Noah was 11 months old. Initially, Noah could only briefly look at a green lighted cube. Through consistent guidance and creative strategies, his parents became key players in his progress. Now, at two years old, Noah uses his vision to locate toys, look towards the person speaking to him, and reaches for objects. This progress has also improved his motor skills, demonstrating the power of early intervention and dedicated support.