Vision Connections webinar scheduled for September 25

Posted In Categories: In the News
Free, virtual, interactive webinar to help attendees learn more about vision health, understanding low vision, and how assistive devices can help make daily tasks easier.
(Wisconsin) Vision Forward and Prevent Blindness Wisconsin are teaming up to host Vision Connections on Friday, September 25, 2020, for adults with trouble seeing or are interested in eye health as they age. This free, virtual, interactive webinar will help attendees learn more about vision health, understanding low vision, and how assistive devices can help make daily tasks easier.
There are more than 60,000 people in Southeastern Wisconsin alone who have vision loss that cannot be corrected and there is limited information and resources available to help this population learn how they can remain independent and connected in their communities.
“As we work to expand our services and programs in the Racine area, this webinar helps ensure that the community members and professionals have an awareness of the importance of vision health, as well as vision services, resources available and how to access them. We’re honored to partner with Prevent Blindness Wisconsin on this project and truly value the support of the Racine Community Foundation,” Terri Davis, Executive Director, Vision Forward.
The virtual conference will be filled with valuable information and will feature; common vision concerns among adults (Macular Degeneration, cataracts, diabetes-related vision concerns, glaucoma, and the aging eye), preventative techniques and treatment, how to maximize remaining vision, and assistive products and technology to make life easier with vision loss.
Interested individuals can connect with this webinar through Zoom on the computer or phone. Registration information can be found at or by calling 414-615-0100.
2020 Vision Connections is underwritten by the generosity of the Irving L. Chortek Estate and the Racine Community Foundation
About Vision Forward |
Vision Forward is a 501C nonprofit organization devoted to empowering, educating and enhancing the lives of individuals impacted by vision loss through all of life’s transitions. Vision Forward offers support, education and training and a full spectrum of programs uniquely designed to build confidence and independence for people of all ages living with vision loss.
About Prevent Blindness Wisconsin |
Founded in 1958, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin improves the lives of children, adults, and families through early detection of eye conditions to prevent blindness and preserve sight. On-going vision screening activities and state-wide public health education lead to a lifetime of healthy vision.