Vision Forward COVID-19 Update

Moving Forward Together!
During this time where change is occurring every day, one thing that continues to remain consistent – Vision Forward is here to help individuals of all ages who are learning to live with vision loss. As we prepare to safely provide vital direct services in our facility and continue to offer virtual services, we want to thank our generous supporters who have helped to make this possible. We also want to extend our gratitude for your patience during this time of transitions.
Moving forward, you can be confident that we are doing everything possible to reduce risk and exposure through safe and exceptional service delivery options, both virtually and in-person.
Virtual Services
We will continue to encourage the use of scheduled virtual services as a safe and convenient way to work with Vision Forward staff. Please follow this link to learn more about our virtual services.
Our Enrichment Classes will continue to be offered virtually until further notice. Visit the Calendar on our website to see upcoming opportunities. Recreation Classes and Membership gatherings held at Vision Forward will be suspended until it is safe to gather in larger groups.
In-Person Appointments
We have developed a plan to safely resume many in-person scheduled appointments for vision rehabilitation services and therapy services at Vision Forward beginning June 1. The Vision Forward Store will be open for scheduled appointments only at this time.
What you can expect when you visit Vision Forward:
- Staff will stay home if they have any COVID symptoms or are ill. We ask our guests to stay home also if you are sick and reschedule your appointment.
- Everyone at our facility is required to wear a face covering and sanitize their hands upon arrival. Face masks will be provided to those who do not have their own.
- Clients will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms a day prior to their scheduled appointments.
- We are asking parents to call the staff person their child will be working with upon arrival at Vision Forward. Children are to stay in the vehicle until a Vision Forward staff member picks their child up.
- To promote social distancing, we have arranged the furniture in the lobby areas and will minimize the time you spend waiting before your scheduled appointment.
- We will continue to limit the number of people in our facility.
- We will continue our high standards of cleanliness throughout the facility, with deep cleaning and disinfecting of all areas being used.
- If a client or staff person presents any symptoms at Vision Forward, they will immediately leave the facility.
- Any positive cases of COVID-19 will be reported and all areas of the building will be thoroughly cleaned.
In the weeks ahead, we will continue to keep you informed of our efforts to extend our services for children and adults with vision loss. You can also visit our website for updated information.
Facemasks for Friends
During the COVID-19 situation, our partners at Beyond Vision are committed to making face masks available to people who are blind or visually impaired in the area. Visit their website at to request your free mask or to learn more about how you can support this program.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us at 414-615-0100 or
We look forward to seeing you soon, whether virtually or in-person.
Be well!