Vision Forward receives gift to benefit people with Macular Degeneration

January 8, 2018
Vision Forward Association honored to receive $100,000 gift from Brandt’s estate
A generous gift of $100,000 from the estate of Robert A. “Bo” Brandt was made to Vision Forward Association. The gift was presented by Joanne Truelove, a cousin of the late Brandt, to Vision Forward staff; Terri Davis, Executive Director, Leona Knobloch-Nelson, Director of Development & Sustainability, and Jacci Borchardt, Director of Operations.
This donation was made to benefit individuals diagnosed with Macular Degeneration, on behalf of Robert “Bo” Brandt and the Robert A. Brandt Macular Degeneration Fund.
“We cannot express in words how truly grateful we are for the generosity of the Robert A. Brandt Macular Degeneration Fund. This gift will definitely make an impact in the lives of individuals living with macular degeneration and help them continue to be independent and empowered adults. As an organization we are so committed to providing the opportunities and support for people living with changing vision so they can live the life they so desire. We are honored to carry on Bo’s legacy,” Terri Davis, Executive Director.
Brandt proudly served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Upon returning home from the war, he finished his bachelor’s degree at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in Education and English in 1950, and earned a Master’s in English in 1951. Brandt later earned his Master of Fine Arts from UW-Milwaukee.
Brandt was a dedicated and loyal employee of Muzak -– the brand of background music delivered to retail stores and other establishments — for over 40 years. Truelove explains that Brandt started as an “errand boy” at Muzak before climbing his way to vice president of the company. Truelove adds that her cousin enjoyed music, art, theater and photography, and loved traveling the world, especially to Europe.
About Vision Forward
Vision Forward is a 501C nonprofit organization devoted to empowering, educating and enhancing the lives of individuals impacted by vision loss through all of life’s transitions. Vision Forward offers support, education and training and a full spectrum of programs uniquely designed to build confidence and independence for people of all ages living with vision loss. For more information about our mission, please visit