Occupational Therapy
Licensed therapists with specialized training to facilitate functional vision or compensatory skills while promoting physical, cognitive, language and activities of daily living.
Occupational Therapy for Children
Children with vision loss benefit greatly from coordinated and comprehensive services. They learn to use their remaining vision more efficiently and to develop non-visual methods to complete activities.
Vision Forward’s occupational therapy team addresses development of gross and fine motor abilities, spatial awareness and daily activities such as feeding, toileting, dressing and engaging in play. Therapists also work in our classrooms with our Teachers of the Visually Impaired to ensure that each child is able to participate fully.
Therapy is provided in a child’s natural environment as part of our children’s program, within our multi-disciplinary team, or in our Training Center as part of our outpatient program.
Learn more or schedule an appointment.
Contact Jaclyn Borchardt, Director of Operations
414-615-0121 or jborchardt@vision-forward.org