Infants and Toddlers

Baby smiling with glasses and teacher

Engaging infants and toddlers to thrive and reach developmental milestones.

Early intervention and family support are vital to every child with visual impairments. Our team assesses the needs of each child and creates an individualized program to reach family goals.

We provide services at Vision Forward, in a child’s home and in the community, empowering families and caregivers with the tools needed to support their child’s development.

Our professional staff includes:

We work towards progression of development, play and self-help skills after identifying a child’s strengths through:

Vision Forward works with Birth to Three agencies or we offer consultation and training to professionals, early interventionists and day care providers.

We’re here to help!

Contact Colleen Kickbush, MSEd., TVI, DTVIVision Therapy Services Manager
at 414-403-8683 or