Planned Giving

Woman and young girl holding pinecones and smiling with one another image

Every one of us will leave a legacy. Now is the time to determine what yours will be.

A Legacy Gift is Powerful

Invest in opportunity, hope and success. Your planned gift to Vision Forward Association provides critical vision loss programs, ensuring that

Introduced to Vision Forward through the Children’s Program, Paul Sweeney and his wife are dedicated to continuing the “life-changing programs and services” provided here.

“Planned giving allows us to hand-select charities today that we want to
make a special contribution to at some time in the future. It allows us to truly have a significant impact on our community in years to come, even if starting with
only a small dollar amount… We recognize the importance of Vision Forward’s
work and want to be supportive in a way that ensures these critical services
will always be available.”

– Paul Sweeney

Ways to Leave a Legacy

Many options for planned giving—including charitable remainder trusts, lead trusts, cash, life insurance, securities, and retirement plan assets—allow you to focus on what works best for you and your objectives. Gifts provide flexibility and control of assets, while providing for loved ones and a worthy cause.

Learn How a Legacy Gift Can Work for You

Make today the day you explore planned giving options at Vision Forward.

Contact Susan Eggold, Director of Philanthropy
414-615-0126 or