Search Results for: vision forward bold pen
Centennial Celebration
2019 marks Vision Forward Association’s centennial year of providing services to the diverse community of individuals who are blind or visually impaired and their families. Throughout this 100th year, we……
Brittney’s Story
…came training with Cory Ballard, Director of Technology at Vision Forward, on JAWS (Job Access With Speech) to help her with specific work tasks. JAWS is a computer screen reader……
Research Study Opportunities
…environment for the disabled community, He has received approval from the IRB of Drexel University to pursue his research, and is hoping that Vision Forward may be able to help……
Harley-Davidson Foundation supports children with vision loss
Vision Forward is proud to announce that we received a grant from The Harley-Davidson Foundation in support of our Children’s Services, which helps provide specialized programs and services to children……
Beep Baseball creates accessible sport opportunity for youth with vision loss
A huge shout out to the men’s baseball team and coach at Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) for helping kids with visual impairments hit some home runs during Vision Forward’s……
Vision Loss: Strategies for Living with Hope and Independence
This LARGE PRINT book with GLARE-RESISTANT paper offers valuable guidance on maintaining a hope-filled and independent life despite declining vision-including important information about vision rehabilitation services; assistive tools and technologies;……
Low Vision High Contrast Tactile Standing Timer
Description This Tactile Low Vision Timer can be chosen in two different color combinations: Either a white background with black numbers, or a black background with white numbers. Both colors……
Feast for the Senses
…already planning for next year’s event and look forward to seeing you all. We will return stronger! For more information, contact Joanna Rivas, Volunteer and Events Coordinator, 414-615-0161 or….…
Thank you volunteers!
Volunteers from Walker & Dunlop plant vegetables in the Vision Forward garden boxes. April is National Volunteer Month, a time to honor and thank our 100+ community volunteers, board members……
Recreational Classes
Vision Forward offers on-going recreation classes for adults to get together and socialize. All classes are run by volunteers. Advanced registration is necessary for all classes. For questions or to……
How you can make an impact in our 100th year!
…know? Vision Forward spends over $55,000 in transportation to ensure that clients can reach our facility for service. It costs more than $41,000 a year to train clients to independently……
Braille Games Registration
Assistive Technology Insight and Resources
In our continuing mission to create informative and entertaining educational resources to everyone who needs them, Vision Forward has launched a new assistive technology resource – Tech Connect. Vision Forward’s……
eSight Enhances and Maximizes Remaining Sight
Vision Forward is committed to providing innovative technology to expand opportunity for our clients with vision loss. As a result, we have recently created a new partnership with eSight that……
Day of Giving
…online giving platform is waiving processing fees! Donate today! Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to learn how you can support Vision Forward during our centennial year! #CentennialCelebration #MovingOurVision*]}*Forward For……
Occupational Therapy
Children with vision loss benefit greatly from coordinated and comprehensive services. They learn to use their remaining vision more efficiently and to develop non-visual methods to complete activities. Vision Forward’s……
Physical Therapy
Skilled and compassionate physical therapists help children with vision loss increase their independence. Vision Forward’s physical therapist provides expert evaluations, highly individualized treatment plans, therapeutic interventions and one-to-one treatment sessions….…
YOU make an impact
…has been working with a team of experts at Vision Forward to help him reach the developmental milestones typical for children his age. Today, Zy’aire is an eager preschooler with……
Celebrating 100 years of providing life-changing services to people who are blind or visually impaired.
…Impaired Children merge to serve all ages. 2011: The organization renames itself Vision Forward Association. 2019: Vision Forward Association celebrates its 100th year and today serves over 5,000 people annually!……
Music Therapy
…his hands! He gets so excited; it gets him to come alive. Vision Forward Parent Group music therapy is offered twice weekly in our Early Education program. Individual music therapy……
Meet McKinley
…referred the Soveys to Vision Forward, and that’s when everything changed. As a family, they started to recognize all McKinley’s gifts. And they were able to begin moving beyond their……
Member news
…supporter of Vision Forward Association. As a member and volunteer of Vision Forward Association for 50 years, Pat had stated in an interview in 2015, “It’s my hope that there……
Jaylee’s Story
…Vision Forward, I pulled myself together and showed up at Vision Forward’s door, glad to know there was a place where my daughter could get special help to learn to……
Partnership Update
…to the sighted. In 2022, IBVI and Vision Forward created a new partnership initiative, that would create a better world for blind and visually impaired individuals who work at IBVI….…