Search Results for: vision forward bold pen
Ring Ring, Blindshell is Here!
…of the basic functions of the Blindshell Classic, and decide for yourself. If you have questions, then get in touch! Call us: 414-615-0103 Visit us online: Email us:……
…vision or compensatory skills while promoting physical, cognitive, language and activities of daily living. Learn more about our therapies for children Contact Jaclyn Borchardt, Director of Operations 414-615-0169 or……
Dining in the Dark helps attendees to see things differently
Dining in the Dark continues to attract new supporters and connections to Vision Forward. This year’s event raised over $75,000 to support our mission of empowering people of all ages……
Prodigi Connect 12: See the big picture
…access preinstalled apps such as Google Docs, Drive, Gmail, Google+, Hangouts and Chrome. For a demonstration of the Prodigi Connect 12, contact Lori Hoeft, Program Assistant, at 414-615-0127 or….…
4X Clear Acrylic Dome Magnifier
…view from multiple angles. This makes for a more comfortable and easier reading experience. Magnifiers work best when used in conjunction with sufficient lighting. See Vision Forward’s lights here (link)……
Stationary Fold-Over Writing Guide
…the top and you can write within the cut out lines. If you are low vision, use in conjunction with a lamp for maximum writing ease., Vision Forward Lamp Link……
International Conference Exposure
Cory Ballard, CATIS, Vision Forward Assistive Technology Specialist, recently presented at the International Envision Conference in Alabama on Visual and Non-Visual Technology for Accessing News, Novels, and Textbooks. Cory shared……
Explore 5 Portable Electronic Magnifier
…That’s why we offer no obligation free demonstrations. Contact an assistive technology specialist to learn more. You can also call us at 414-615-0103, or email us at Our state-of-the-art……
Snow 12 Pro Portable Electronic Magnifier OCR/TTS
…414-615-0103, or email us at Our state-of-the-art assistive technology center features a variety of leading electronic magnifiers, wearable devices and blindness products. To get an in-depth demonstration of a……
Orcam MyEye Pro 2.0 Advanced Reading Assistant
…us at Our state-of-the-art assistive technology center features a variety of leading electronic magnifiers, wearable devices and blindness products. To get an in-depth demonstration of a device, or discuss……
eSight 4 Electronic Glasses
…can also call us at 414-615-0103, or email us at Our state-of-the-art assistive technology center features a variety of leading electronic magnifiers, wearable devices and blindness products. To get……
Community Partner Referral Form
To refer an individual to Vision Forward Association, please complete the following referral form. We will contact your patient promptly to schedule an appointment, and following services, you will receive……
Membership news
…be missed dearly but her legacy will remain at Vision Forward. Our thoughts and support go our to her family and friends. Here is a link to Kathy Brockman’s obituary……
Orcam READ 2.0- Advanced OCR device
…us at Our state-of-the-art assistive technology center features a variety of leading electronic magnifiers, wearable devices and blindness products. To get an in-depth demonstration of a device, or discuss……
National Volunteer Week
…all of us at Vision Forward, we thank all our volunteers from the bottom of our hearts for their selfless dedication in helping us achieve our mission of providing programs……
Fox 6 visits Rainbow Day Camp
Vision Forward in collaboration with Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center hosted Rainbow Day Camp July 19-22, for students ages 5 to 18 who are blind or visually……
Encouraging Children to Wear Glasses
If your child is having difficulty keeping their glasses on, we’ve compiled a list of helpful tips and recommendations from Vision Forward staff: Make sure his/her glasses are fitting properly….…
Camp offers unique accessible opportunities for kids who are blind
Vision Forward, in collaboration with Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center, was proud to host Rainbow Day Camp July 17-20, for students ages 5 to 18 who are……
Dining in the Dark featured on Milwaukee Tonight
…their young daughter, Leyla, and her journey with vision loss. In addition, James interviewed Vision Forward CEO, Jacci Borchardt, under blind fold addressing the intent of this mission-driven event.……
2024 Dining in the Dark Event
This year’s Dining in the Dark event was a huge success, and we couldn’t have achieved it without the support of our generous donors, partners, volunteers, Vision Forward staff, guests,……
Share Your Story
People with vision loss, their friends and family members are invited to share stories of your own journey with vision loss. We all have a story, and yours may help……
Request a Free TEC Demo
Technology Creates Possibility! Our Technology & Education Center, TEC, is a resource for people with vision loss, family members, vision professionals, potential employers and other agencies wanting to learn about……
Juniper’s Story
…vision loss journey. Born with bilateral retinal detachment, Juniper has been blind since birth. In addition, she has microcephaly, a rare neurological condition in which an infant’s head is much……
Rainbow Day Camp Registration
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